You’re Using the Wrong Social Network.

You’re using the wrong social network.

If you had to guess, which ones are driving the highest return on ad spend (ROAS)?

I’ll give you a hint… it’s not Instagram or TikTok.

At my ad agency, NP Digital, we run ads for our clients on all major social platforms.

Plus, we have access to data from over 1 million sites.

Before I break down which social network has the highest ROAS, here’s the percentage of revenue that comes from each social network.

Keep in mind, that I am only looking at the revenue numbers for social, not other marketing channels.

Facebook – 32.37%
YouTube – 28.19%
LinkedIn – 11.47%
Instagram – 10.92%
TikTok – 8.44%
X – 4.41%
Snap – 3.18%
Pinterest – 1.02%

Now can you guess which platform has the biggest ROAS?

X – 6.8
Pinterest – 5.2
Snap – 4.9
TikTok – 4.1
YouTube – 3.9
Instagram – 3.3
Facebook – 3.2
LinkedIn – 2.6

X produced the highest ROAS in the last 30 days.

Keep in mind that even though the ROAS may be better on some platforms over others, some platforms can drive much more volume, such as YouTube and Facebook.

Assuming you have no issues with a particular platform, you should spend money on all of them as long as it's profitable.

Charlie Page

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