[ERC Program] FREE Prospecting Script Released

We had a blast last night building out your new ERC business!

(If you’re new this is the BEST opportunity I’ve ever seen for you to make 100% FREE commissions)

People have had amazing results ever since we started working on the ERC program…

But a lot of students have asked for a specific “script” you can use to contact business owners.

So last night I literally wrote you out a full walkthrough of exactly how to ‘prospect’ and communicate with businesses.

I showed you how to define the ERC program to businesses & properly “fact check” to quickly make sure they qualify.

AND I gave you two approaches you can use start the conversation with ANY business owner.

I also gave you a “call to action” you can use to move things forward PLUS…

I showed you how to blast past 2 of the most common ‘objections’ business owners have to move things forward and close deals!

This was a full meat and potatoes step-by-step training on how to prospect from A-Z…


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Charlie Page

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