Don’t think you can afford FHL? Think again!

When Steve found out about Funnel Hacking Live he KNEW he needed to be in that room… but he was flat broke, and when he saw how much a ticket was (not to mention travel and hotel) he had NO idea how he was gonna be able to afford it

But Steve’s a #FunnelHacker, and he wasn’t gonna let that stand in his way

He schemed up an idea, and in just a few days, whipped up the 💰 needed to buy his ticket, travel, and hotel! NOW, he’s showing YOU exactly how he did it with literally nothing out of your pocket today.

So if you wanna be in the room with some of the best marketers in the world, as well as thousands of like-minded entrepreneurs, just like YOU, but don’t think you can swing the ticket price… think again 🙂 We’ll see you LIVE!

Charlie Page

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