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Instead of 5 year plans, try this
Using visionboards is my FAVORITE way to set my future goals 👇
In 2015 when I was searching for a business direction, these were some of the
dreams I put on my vision board. In no particular order:
• Leave my 9-to-5
• Help Poul leave his 9-to-5
• Make $100,000
• Make $1,000,000
• Get 10 clients
• Go viral
• Get featured in big PR
• Become a Huffington Post contributor
• Help a client make $1,000,000
• Grow a community to 1,000 people
• Write a book
• Become a New York Times best-selling author
• Give a TEDx Talk
• Serve 100 students
• Get on a big podcast (ideally one of the ones I
listen to!)
I realized I had absolutely no clue how to make any of these things happen.
But then I got to work. I stared at my dreams every single day before starting work, and just six months after creating this vision board, I had 10 clients
and replaced my income from my 9-to-5 job.
Doors started to fling open because I had identified my goals. I didn’t know much, but I knew where I wanted to go.
^^^^ Excerpt from my USA Today Best-Selling book, Unfiltered!
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