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How to get motivation to keep going in business
Inspiration is the spark for creative endeavors.
Motivation is the spark for action.
Passion is the spark for absolutely loving something or someone.
At the end of every episode of the reality TV show Survivor, the contestants all place their votes for who is going to leave the island.
Sometimes there’s a tie, and this situation will trigger the infamous “fire challenge.”
The two contestants have to start a fire that burns bright and tall so it burns through a rope that’s two feet above the fire.
Sounds simple enough, right?
But here’s the thing about the fire challenge: contestants often think the only trick is getting the fire to start burning. They don’t spend time planning their fire.
What happens next is entirely predictable. Contestant One grabs all of their kindling, throws down some sticks, and lights it up. Their fire blazes bright, and it looks as though they’re winning for about 10 seconds until the lack
of structure causes it to burn out just as quickly as it started.
Contestant Two, who spent a minute or so building a solid base for their fire, may not have gotten it lit as quickly, but their fire is then able to burn higher and sustain that level long enough to burn through the rope.
Contestant Two wins because they thought a few steps beyond the initial spark and were able to make a fire that was up to the task.
[you need more than just the initial spark to keep your business going!!!]^^^^excerpt from my book, Unfiltered!
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