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OpenAI is testing a new search engine that’s based on ChatGPT.

OpenAI is testing a new search engine that’s based on ChatGPT. Is this the nail in the coffin for SEO? The short answer is no.  But if you’re betting all your chips on Google, you’re headed for trouble. Organic ranking is getting tougher, and at the same time, attention is getting spread out over different channels. But search isn’t going away, and as long as peopl [...]

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The Art Of Money Getting: 3 Simple Steps To Making Money

Whether you're an entrepreneur or a small business owner, these insights will empower you to achieve financial success in today's fast-paced world. Join Russell Brunson as he explores the timeless principles of wealth creation in 'The Art of Money Getting.' Inspired by classic works from PT Barnum and Lehman Thomas Reed, this video delves into the essential [...]

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I've been using a new tool, Descript, for editing audio and video, and it's definitely made my life a lot easier. It's actually a game-changer. However, within the tool, there's a feature called Overdub that allows the program to read text in your voice, without you having to record it. Let me show you: So what do you think? Useful, or not? Also, here&# [...]

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There are some problems with the configuration of the opt-in shortcode